Wednesday, 22 March 2023

Evidence of Improving Teacher practice and Student achievement in Mathematics in GTS

In 2021 I analysed our school data in Maths and raised my concerns with the management. I was thrilled that my voice was heard! This initiative led to a school-wide collaborative inquiry into improving the teaching of mathematics. Last year, we took this inquiry to the next level. After reviewing school Maths Matrices, we focused on two powerful areas: teacher practice and student agency. That meant that we needed to give students both the option to make choices to direct their own learning and the information they needed to make strong choices. Interestingly enough, after unpacking Maths matrices with their students, our teachers began to use these Matrices for their planning. 

Thanks to Johanna's (DP at GTS) data analysis before and after this intervention, we can provide clear evidence of the positive impact of this collaborative approach. 

In her recent Staff presentation, Johanna shared: "The impact of AfL is obvious when you look back on historic ‘normal’ year which is on the left - numbers stayed this same in WB, B, At & Above and compare it to this year on the right where there is a definite shift due to the focus on Assessment for Learning.  Teachers have noticed a difference and students are more engaged.  We still need a lot of work in maths and this will continue in 2023"

I totally agree that collaborative efforts between teachers, school leaders, and students have a significant impact on improving teaching practices and student learning outcomes. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elena, this is a very thought provoking post. I agree that it is very important to look at the data and what it is telling us with our student achievement. I also believe it is important to gather student voice about their learning and plan our inquiries accordingly. Your last statement highlights the collaboration needed for our students to progress in their learning. Collective effort from school leaders, teachers, students and also whanau. Have a great week. Mā te wā.
