In my first Class OnAir episode, I asked my students to raise their hands up if they think that they are good mathematicians... only 3 hands went up. It showed me that the students didn't have a positive attitude towards maths and didn't believe in themselves.
I also collected student voice - disposition data and discovered that all of my underachieving students had rather negative beliefs about themselves as mathematicians. It was a strong signal to start building up their confidence by talking about Growth Mindset and implementing Talk Moves to support the positive norms in maths class.
I believe that the positive learning classroom culture goes beyond the ‘classroom treaty’ created in the first week of school. The positive norms in maths class needed to be constructed together so that students know what is expected of them and for them to have the tools to respond to and meet those expectations.
I want my students to work collaboratively and engage in mathematical discussions by sharing and explaining their thinking and reflecting on the thinking of others. To achieve this we have ongoing discussions around how we work together and what is important to become better mathematicians.
I believe that my students have now started to value productive struggle and they are now keen to participate in our Number Talks as they aren't afraid to take risks and make mistakes.