Monday, 5 July 2021

Observation Feedback from the ALIM facilitator and Class onAir supervisor - #13

Over the past months, I had a number of observations.

Rebecca Bishop, our external ALiM facilitator observed my group session. The feedback was highly positive and specific. The main points were: Talk Moves, use of manipulatives to support students' understanding, gradual release, allowing for the productive struggle, making students realise their misconceptions by guided questioning, positive learning environment. 

I also published 4 episodes of my maths lessons on Manaiakalani Class OnAir and received feedback from Anne Sinclair:

'Great lesson Elena and very clearly students were engaged. I liked the way the students had a ‘go' at explaining their strategies and ’talked aloud’ their thinking. The lesson was well paced with spaces for students to contribute and their ideas be confirmed on the whiteboard. The focus on making them our real, everyday norm with ' tidy’ maths answers also helped with the understandings. Your reflection explained the source of their engagement - 'As all of the students were able to think-pair-share, repeat or revoice, add on and agree or disagree with the answers of their peers, I know that they were actively engaged and used their critical thinking’. It was great to see the balance between student and teach talk and time spent on the mat. You made a very relevant point of the importance and value of different ways students see mathematicsand the different pathways they create.'

'...You have a positive approach to teaching and learning and your understanding of the curriculum and engaging the students is evident.'

The coaching feedback was to support my team in implementing mathematical discourse and the use of manipulatives along with a deeper understanding of the learning progressions and acceleration strategies.

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