Wednesday, 21 July 2021

Causal Chain #14

As identified during my Teacher profiling phase, I have to focus on two aspects: 

  • my own practice - continue to refine my practice (mathematical discourse, the use of visualisation and materials and critical thinking in maths)
  • supporting my colleagues to improve their understanding of maths progressions and the effective use of various manipulatives in their classroom programmes.

In my own teaching, I promote metacognitive strategy use (e.g. mental strategies in numeracy) by implementing Number talk, choral counting and problem-solving in maths that require a lot of thinking, and Integrated learning that allows my students to apply their new knowledge in real-life situations.

I continue to focus on critical thinking (across the curriculum, not just in maths) making sure that my programme includes a lot of questioning, information analysis, compare and contrast tasks, and Learn-Create-Share projects.

As a result of my consistent use of discourse and visual representations in maths, my students have shown progress in their learning that is supported by T2 data.

Supporting other GTS teachers - what’s been done so far:

Conversation with year 1/2 and 3/4 team about maths curriculum teaching

Ordered and distributed the books to support year 1-8 teachers - NZ Curriculum books and explained the connection to the NZ maths website for planning and teaching/learning

Organised a number of syndicates and school-wide PDs to develop a better understanding of manipulative for teaching various concepts.

Modelled a couple of maths lessons for a BT

Recorded and published four episodes of my own classroom maths lessons to support other teachers

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