Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Professional Reading #3: Teaching Children to Read

This review of the evidence-based scientific research literature helped me to think of my own teaching practice of reading and how can I improve it to achieve good progress for my students.

This review contains a lot of information about teaching at different levels including the early school years, and it resonates with another research that I shared in my last post. 

The researchers looked at different types of instructions and discussed their effectiveness in teaching vocabulary and comprehension strategies.

Analysing both of these research reports, I've identified my next steps and will focus on these areas when inquiring into my own teaching practice and reflecting on it in order to form my hypothesis and plan my intervention:
 - teaching vocabulary (activities, approaches, material)
 - selection of texts 
 - explicit teaching instructions 
 - reading comprehension strategies

1 comment:

  1. Great research findings Eleana. I really enjoyed reading your thoughts.
    I'm looking forward to seeing the implementation of your learning into not only your classroom, but your team member's classrooms and now Across the Schools!
